• Can I File A Product Liability Claim For A Recalled Product?

    Products are recalled all the time by the companies that manufacture the products or by government agencies. If you are injured by a product that was recalled, the recall can affect the liability of the company. However, it doesn't automatically mean that the company is at fault. Your Right to Compensation When you are injured by a product, you have the right to compensation under strict liability laws. However, there are still several things you will need to accomplish to be able to hold another party responsible for your injuries caused by a defective product. [Read More]

  • Got A DUI? Two Reasons To Hire A Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

    Colliding with another motorist while you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol can have devastating consequences. Not only do you run the risk of injuring yourself, but there could be fatal ramifications for the other party as well. If you are lucky enough to leave the scene without a scratch, you likely are breathing a huge sigh of relief. However, even though you weren't hurt, you still have to face the consequences. [Read More]

  • Your Workers' Compensation Claim Rests Heavily On Your Medical Documents

    In a workers' compensation case, your medical evidence is crucial. You will need to prove that you're injured and that your injuries are the result of an incident that occurred at work. Fortunately, workers' compensation lawyers are experienced with working directly with physicians when handling workers' compensation cases.  What to Say to Your Doctor During your first trip to the doctor, you will need to fully describe your injury and the circumstances that lead to your injury. [Read More]

  • Why Passing A Commercial Truck Is So Dangerous

    Commercial vehicles can seem like they take up a lot of space and you might want to pass a commercial vehicle as soon as you can. However, when a commercial truck doesn't see you because you're in a blind spot, this can lead to the truck making a sudden lane change and colliding with your vehicle.  Avoiding an Accident With a Commercial Truck When you are passing a commercial truck, you are always better off doing so on the left-hand side of the truck. [Read More]