Are You At Risk Of An Ejection Accident?

Posted on: 28 October 2022

No matter how you safely ride your motorcycle, you risk an accident. Unfortunately, because your bike has no seatbelt, airbags, or metal surrounding the riders, any accident can quickly become an ejection accident. Understanding what constitutes an ejection accident and when you are at the highest risk may help maximize your safety. 

What Is An Ejection Accident?

Anytime your bike comes to an abrupt stop, you run the risk of being ejected from it. This fact is rooted in Newton's First Law of Motion, which states, "a body in motion at a constant velocity will remain in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force." 

The act of a sudden stop may force you to continue to move through the air. Unfortunately, your movement will usually continue until you collide with something that stops you.

What Are The Causes Of Ejection Accidents?

There are numerous causes of ejection accidents. Many things are outside your control but not controlled by others. For example, sudden braking to avoid road debris, potholes, or loose asphalt can easily cause an ejection accident. 

Other drivers can also be a significant cause of ejection accidents. Sometimes these drivers pull out in front of you, open car doors in your path, or hit you from behind. No matter how the accident happens, ejection accidents put you at risk of significant injuries.

What Are Common Ejection Injuries?

Head Injuries — Unfortunately, some of the most severe injuries resulting from ejection accidents are head injuries. Doctors most commonly see these injuries when riders do not wear helmets. You can sustain concussions, internal hemorrhaging, and swelling of your brain. These are all severe conditions that could even result in death.

You can minimize your chance of head injuries by wearing a helmet. But wearing a helmet still does not negate the risk of these injuries. 

Lower Extremity Injuries — When your bike launches you through the air, you eventually have to land. Your landing often causes injury to your legs, knees, ankles, and feet. You can sustain compound fractures and more. These injuries, while usually not life-threatening, can be severely disabling. 

Upper Body Injuries — An ejection can also cause upper body injuries depending on how you land. These injuries may include damage to your neck, back, arms, hands, or shoulders. These injuries can also be severe and require surgical interventions and physical therapy.

If another driver causes your ejection injuries, you need to call a motorcycle accident attorney. You shouldn't have to pay out your pocket for an accident that is not your fault. For more information, contact a motorcycle accident lawyer near you.
