
  • Afflicted with HIV/AIDS? How to Get SSDI Financial Help

    HIV/AIDS is a devastating diagnosis and this disability is likely to make it impossible to work at your job. When you have a serious illness like HIV/AIDS, the Social Security Administration (SSA) may provide a monthly sum of money for applicants. Getting approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be challenging, even for those with afflictions like HIV/AIDS that are recognized by the SSA. Read on to find out more. [Read More]

  • Defenses That You Can Use Against Someone Complaining About Your Quiet Electric Car

    In addition to being an environmentally responsible way to get around, electric cars have several features that are different from conventional vehicles. One big thing that you'll notice is how quiet electric cars are. When one passes you on the road, the only sound that you'll hear is the noise from the tires rolling across the asphalt. Being in an accident with your electric car is frustrating given the price of these vehicles, but your frustration can turn into a downright annoyance when the other party takes legal action against you — especially if you feel as though you didn't do anything wrong. [Read More]

  • Reasons That Bedsores Can Constitute Neglect Or Abuse

    When you visit your parent at his or her nursing home, the last thing that you want to discover is that your parent is suffering from bedsores. This skin condition occurs when a patient remains in the same position in bed for a long period of time, and while it might not necessarily seem serious to some people, it's often a sign of either neglect of abuse. Documenting the bedsores — and likely finding an alternate living arrangement — for your parent will be your top priorities. [Read More]

  • Expect These Arguments From Your Security Company After An Injury On The Job

    When you work as a security guard, you accept that there are risks involved with your line of work. You also know, however, that with the right training, and by carefully following protocol, you should complete every shift without getting hurt. If you get injured during a security shift, you may file a workers' compensation claim — only to have your security company attempt to skirt responsibility so that it doesn't have to pay you. [Read More]

  • 4 Reasons You Should Hire A Business Transaction Lawyer

    A business transaction can be something as simple as buying a piece of candy in a shop to the transfer of ownership of a multinational corporation. Obviously, the implications of these two transactions are widely different and so is the complexity of the factors involved. As business transactions swing more towards the more complicated side of things, there is much less room for mistakes. To avoid making mistakes when carrying out serious business transactions, many individuals and companies hire attorneys who offer business transaction law services. [Read More]

  • Child Wrongful Death Cases And Divorced Parents: Who Can File?

    Filing a wrongful death lawsuit is the legal right of any parent who has lost their child due to the negligence of someone else. However, it would be unfair not to mention that the already complicated process only becomes more complex when the parents who file a suit are not married. It's important all parties involved in the process know what's ahead. Individual Suits Filing individual lawsuits is somewhat of a first come, first serve race. [Read More]

  • Can You Get A DUI For Taking Prescription Drugs?

    When most people think about DUI, they think of someone driving under the influence of alcohol. But the term "driving under the influence" is quite vague for a reason. A person can be charged with driving under the influence not only when they're under the influence of alcohol, but also when they are under the influence of drugs. And no, this does not just mean strictly illegal drugs like heroin and cocaine. [Read More]

  • Personal Injury Legal Preparations For Trial

    Your personal injury trial might come months after your accident, and it can never be a moment too soon. The time it takes to get to the courtroom can seem puzzling to many victims, but there are events occurring even when it seems to you that time is standing still. The period of time before a trial begins is more important than many people know, and its importance rivals that of the actual trial. [Read More]

  • Three Good Things About Being Prescribed Medication After An Injury

    The specific nature and the severity of any type of injury will dictate whether you need prescription medication to help you through the recovery process. While prescription medication is usually unnecessary following a minor injury, the likelihood that your physician will prescribe you something increases in the case of more serious injuries. Even if you're not a huge proponent of taking medication, you should appreciate that there are several potential advantages to doing so if you've been injured due to another party's negligence and you've hired a personal injury attorney to represent you. [Read More]

  • Fetus/Baby Wrongful Deaths: How These Lawsuits Work

    Defining what is and is not a baby is at the heart of every abortion. It is also at the heart of many wrongful death cases, as state law makes that determination, not federal law. Even though Roe v. Wade gave women the permission to terminate pregnancies, there was nothing in place that helped determine when, exactly, a life was a life. So when a fetus dies late in a pregnancy or the infant takes breath after leaving the womb and then dies, state law determines whether or not mothers can sue for wrongful death. [Read More]